OUAS 4 Educators

Archive for the ‘incrediline’ Category

Once Upon a Story….

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Educator Open House

December 18, 2008

from 3:30 – 5:30PM


Bring this flyer and receive 20% off all your purchases and a free gift

from our sponsor


Learn more at the incrediline website

  A revolutionary surface that can be used in conjunction with any writing instrument. Imagine the benefits of dry erase boards, chalkboards and paper combined into one economical surface, without any of the disadvantages! Incredline products can accept dry erase markers, permanent markers, crayons, chalk… even Sharpies. The Incrediline coating can simply be wiped clean after use, no chemicals, erasers, special markers, or solutions needed. Smelly and expensive dry erase markers, messy chalk, or stained surfaces are a thing of the past. Incrediline products are durable, easy to clean, and will offer you years of use. The only question is… what will you use it for?