OUAS 4 Educators

Archive for the ‘Library’ Category

PW Chicken Soup for the Soul Sweepstakes

For fifteen years, Chicken Soup for the Soul, a world leader in life improvement, has been helping real people share real stories, bringing hope, courage, inspiration and love to hundreds of millions of people around the world. To help celebrate our 15th ANNIVERSARY, we’re awarding 4 libraries with an assortment of exciting prizes.

Sweepstakes closes February 23
(Open to librarians and library
personnel only)

2 libraries will each receive 2 baskets of books
1 basket for the library to shelve in their collection and 1 basket to raffle off to a member of the community. Each basket will contain 28 Chicken Soup titles, including,
Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Resolution: Great Ideas for Your Mind, Body and…Wallet, to help motivate your patrons as we turn the corner on a new year.

2 libraries will receive 1 basket, each containing 28 Chicken Soup titles

To learn how you can receive a free newsletter or Chicken Soup for the Soul story each day delivered right to your inbox, visit us at www.ChickenSoup.com.

Sweepstakes brought to you by: