OUAS 4 Educators

Recycle 4 Literacy


Join our campaign! We at Once Upon a Story are handing out boxes to local schools and business who want to partner with us to increase literacy while cutting down on hazardous waste. Can you really do both at once? Absolutely! Here’s how…

1. Call or visit us and ask for a drop box.

2. Put the drop box where people can find it, like by your classroom door or next to your store register.

3. People will come with their old cell phones and used ink cartridges. These are things that should not be disposed of in landfills! It’s bad for the environment. We’ll tell you more about that in a bit.

4. After a while, we’ll take the contents of your box so that they can be recycled or reused. This gives us money, which is a very good thing. Why? Because we use every dollar of it to buy books for children who need them. To begin with, we’ll be donating the books to Bethune Transitional Center for Homeless Students and to Children Today. As the campaign grows, we’ll be able to offer grants to other related organizations for similar donations.

Children Today
is a non-profit community program for homeless children in Long Beach. They provide a safe, nurturing environment for homeless children in the community with their fully-licensed, no-cost childcare and preschool centers. Bethune Transitional Center helps homeless students in the Long Beach Unified School District. In an understanding environment, students are able to keep up with their schoolwork despite the instability of their daily lives. Both these programs will benefit from the donations made from this campaign. Recycling today will help your community tomorrow!

Not to mention that recycling is good all by itself. Cell phones and ink cartridges are particularly harmful to the environment. If it’s not disposed of properly, your cell phone or ink cartridge can pollute up to 132,000 liters of drinking water. We make sure they’re either refurbished and reused or recycled in accordance with EPA regulations. That is how we promote literacy and cut down on hazardous waste all at once!

Email: Cyndie@onceuponastorybooks.com
Phone: 562-433-6856 or come in to the store

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